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Dried Pequin Chili Pepper If described in taste can be called as flash fire. Normally it is considered more spicy in comparison to many other spices. They can be used in crushed forms in making hot sauces and also other dishes that need a spicy and hot relish to it. Pastas, noodles, and many Chinese dishes can be made tastier by using this spice. The flavor profile, if asked specifically is, citrusy and nutty with a hint of smokiness. They can also be sprinkled on bean and rice dishes, and also homemade dishes if a tangy flavor is needed. You can also roast them and make a puree with a delightful earthly flavor with hints of roasted peanuts.
Ingredients: Pequin chili pepper
Allergen Information: Shares equipment with peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, milk, soy, eggs, & sesame.