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Green split peas and yellow peas are different varieties of the seeds of the Pisum sativum L., or field pea, plant. Wonderful in soups and stews, green peas are dried field peas slightly more delicate in flavor than yellow peas. Belonging to the legume family, this plant is found throughout the world, with the world's top producers being Russia, China, India, Canada, and the United States. Due to the plant's versatility and near universality, peas are found in the traditional dishes of a variety of cultures around the world.
Green Split Peas are highly nutritious, with both yellow and green peas providing a variety of micro and macronutrients. A one-cup serving of cooked peas contains 231 calories, with almost no fat content at 0.8 grams. Peas are very high in protein, with one serving containing 16.4 grams. Though relatively high in carbohydrates at 40 grams per serving, 16.3 grams of this is dietary fiber with only 5.7 grams of sugar.
Aside from their high protein and fiber content, green split peas are a great source of a number of other nutrients. One cup of peas provides 196 percent of your recommended daily intake of molybdenum, 56.3 percent of your RDI of tryptophan, 39 percent of your manganese, and 31.8 percent of your RDI of folate, 24.7 percent of your thiamine, 20.3 percent of your potassium, and 19.4 percent of your RDI of phosphorous. In addition to these high micronutrient values, one serving of peas is an excellent source of 11 amino acids and provides between 10 and 20 percent of your RDI of magnesium, iron, zinc, and copper.
Type: Grains & Legumes