Black chickpeas flour, also known as kala chana besan, is a versatile ingredient that adds a unique twist to various culinary creations. It is made by grinding dried black chickpeas (kala chana) into a fine powder, resulting in a flour with a slightly coarse texture. This flour boasts a distinct earthy flavor and a dark brown color, setting it apart from traditional chickpea flour.
Black chickpeas flour can be used in a variety of dishes. It serves as a key ingredient in many traditional Indian recipes, such as pakoras (fritters), bhajis, and various savory snacks. The flour can also be incorporated intobaking, adding a unique flavor profile to bread, pancakes, and other baked goods.
Allergen Information: Shares equipment with peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, milk, soy, eggs, & sesame.
Type: Flour
Category: New Arrival