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Dill is a member of the Apiaceae family, related to the likes of caraway, anise, chervil, coriander, parsley, and carrots. Dill seeds are easily recognized by their wide, flat, tear-shaped pods with light brown borders and dark, oak-like centers. Sampled fresh, they taste a lot like caraway, but with a lighter flavor.
Dill seeds are commonly used in Eastern European cooking, which is where they originated before spreading to the Mediterranean and Asia. They are great with hearty root vegetables, both raw and cooked. The old standby of shredded carrots with coriander and lemon receives a welcome earthy kick from dill seed, which compliments the carrots', earthy sweetness. Dill seed performs equally well in soups and braised dishes, especially with meaty eggplant or cruciferous vegetables like cabbage.
Ingredients:Dill seeds
Allergen Information: Shares equipment with peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, milk, soy, eggs, & sesame.
Type: Seed
Category: Herbs, Spices & Herbs